Real Estate Valuation

Business Valuation
Intangible Assets Valuation
Financial Instruments Valuation
Plant & Machinery Valuation
Natural Resources Valuation
Corporate Advisory Services


The dramatic growth in knowledge industries has prompted a similarly conspicuous growth in intangible assets which, like other assets, need to be evaluated professionally.

Intangible assets strengthen a companyˇ¦s competitiveness as well as its chances for long term growth. They are hugely important to companies competing in todayˇ¦s fiercely competitive business world where ˇ§high technology, high efficiency and high added-valueˇ¨ is the buzz phrase for companies wishing to stay in business.

Many Chinese companies are currently actively engaged in developing intangible assets as a principle business. Their intangible assets include those developed by themselves or acquired from other companies such as patents, franchises, trademarks and software applications.

Intangible assets are defined officially as ˇ§identifiable non-monetary assets without physical substanceˇ¨. They can bring rich returns to a company if managed skillfully.

New developments have brought about new accounting procedures and standards some of which are highly complicated. Norton Appraisals has helped many clients to meet the new dictates by providing them with comprehensive, independent appraisals of their intangible assets to include in their financial reports.

Our Valuation services cover:

  • Copyrights
  • Franchises
  • Patents
  • Proprietary rights
  • Sales networking
  • Software applications
  • Trademarks
  • Web Domain
  • Workforce
  • Mining Rights